Our bodies are uniquely and wonderfully made. They are able to do “self maintenance,” and have functions that “kick in” naturally without the aid of drugs or medication. Sometimes natural or organic resources are the best way to help our bodies heal using their inherent ability to do so.
Among these special and all-natural discoveries is the use of holotropic breathing and cold therapy. The thought of exposing the body to ice therapy and ice baths might be scary but it has many benefits.
The process may take time to grasp or learn, but the more you practice it the better it will go. Many athletes already use this technique, and as the benefits work for them, it might work for you too.
What Is Holotropic Breathwork?
Holotropic breathwork is a technique that allows the user (breather) to become aware of themselves and in everything they do. It’s a technique used in psychotherapy to help patients get through difficult situations.
Stemming from Greek, the word “holo” means whole or complete and “tropic” moving towards something. This is as it’s described by Stan Grof psychiatrist, researcher of non-ordinary state of consciousness, and co-founder of holotropic breathwork.
This self-awareness is easily achieved through a psychedelic frame of mind (which in the past, was enhanced through the use of LSD for medicinal use). These days, holotropic breathing makes it possible to achieve this state of mind without the drugs.
How Does the Breathing Technique Work and How Is It Performed?
Similar to meditation, holotropic breathing changes the chemicals in the brain and enhances certain hormones while reducing the stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.
Since the beginning of time, mankind made use of different breathwork techniques to alter their state of consciousness. This was common practice in certain cultures, traditions, and while performing rituals.
Exercise breathing of this type requires the breather to take deeper and faster breaths. This will gradually change the state of consciousness of the breather. There are many benefits to this method of breathing. The benefits include emotional and physical healing, positive awareness, assertiveness, and confidence to name a few.
Advantages of Holotropic Breathwork Along With Cold Therapy
Apart from holotropic breathing being able to change the conscious mind, it also allows for a healing process to occur through the session.
Oftentimes music is used to set the mood. Athletes and other folks looking to improve their wellness often add breathing and cold exposure therapy to their recovery routine as well.
Promotes positive thinking
Because of the altered frame of mind, it often results in a breakthrough in situations, for example giving up smoking cigarettes. Almost similar to hypnosis. Holotropic breathing changes aspects in the brain that encourages positive behavior.
Ability to manage depression and anxiety
Athletes go through rigorous training. This can take a toll both physically and mentally. Cold therapy and holotropic breathing help to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
That being said, it is also an excellent combination for people looking to reduce depression and anxiety attacks for their day-to-day lifestyle.
Stress relief
Breath-control and cold therapy have can reduce stress levels. An article in Science Direct suggests that while cold temperatures can activate the "sympathetic nervous system" (responsible for fight-or-flight), it can also act as an anti-depressive. This is because the nerve impulses are activated at a high rate in the brain and throughout the body when exposed to extreme cold.
How Can Cold Therapy and Holotropic Breathwork Improve Your Workouts?
Ice therapy is popular amongst active sports enthusiasts and athletes. It calls for immersing the entire body into ice-cold water. An ice barrel for the cold therapy session is a great way to fully immerse yourself and get the best and most complete experience out of the process. It is remarkable when combined with holotropic exercise breathing.
Reduces inflammation
Exercise is hard on the body and can lead to inflamed, sore, and stiff muscles. The inflammation (swelling) is reduced due to the body’s ability to tap into healing through this holotropic breathwork and cold therapy technique.
Better quality of sleep
Athletic men and women need proper sleep as this is when the body's healing processes do their best work. An exercise session followed by cold therapy and holotropic breathing can help improve sleep for athletes.
Recover faster from exercise
The body is resilient but sometimes exercising too hard calls for a break in between
sessions. For an athlete, this is crucial but not always possible. So by breathwork and cold therapy, it helps to speed up muscle recovery and healing time.
Protecting your joints from arthritis
Because of its ability to speed up healing within the body, cold therapy helps reduce the onset of arthritis and keeps joints strong. It also reduces the pain that causes inflammation.
Mental strength
It’s hard whether you are a parent, entrepreneur, or struggling with other challenges in life, cold baths can increase mental wellness.
Who Can Benefit From Holotropic Breathwork and Cold Therapy?
While athletes have already started to take advantage of these revolutionary techniques for their own performance and vitality, these methods work for many people, including:
Those suffering from old injuries: You don't have to be limited by old injuries acting up and stopping you from doing what you love. Cold therapy and holotropic breathwork will encourage healing.
Busy entrepreneurs: It’s can be challenging to keep your business afloat— and the stress can be overbearing at times. However, cold therapy and breathwork, when combined, can help reset your mood and improve your strategic thinking.
Depressed and anxious individuals: Mental conditions aren’t easy to overcome, but if you’re looking to recover, these health and remedy improvements could work for you.
People looking to experience more out of life: Even if you’re looking to change careers or simply get the most out of your life, you are the perfect candidate for an ice bath. Why not try something new?
Cold Therapy and Holotropic Breathwork Can Benefit You
Think of these techniques as a connection and reset to life as a whole. While this is so, you can move forward toward your journey of becoming a more well-rounded person.
Take a personal step and change your life even if you’re not athletic. Just step out and take the cold shower, and witness the benefits of ice bathing today.