Do-It-Yourself Spa Days: 5 Simple, Accessible Ways to Revitalize at Home

Do-It-Yourself Spa Days: 5 Simple, Accessible Ways to Revitalize at Home

If sore muscles, mental chatter, and a noisy world have you feeling fatigued and depleted, it’s time for a spa day in the comfort of your own home.

Even if you’re more likely to run a marathon than you are to spend a day at the spa, these simple, accessible everyday practices will help you decrease stress, boost energy, and build resilience.

Set Yourself Up for Home Spa Day Success

Begin by clearing your schedule and chucking all devices into the void. Or, more realistically, silence them and store them safely out of sight.

Mix and match to design a relaxing getaway that’s all your own.

Start Your Day in the Great Outdoors

It’s easy to neglect daylight, but it’s an important element of holistic health and a perfect way to begin a spa day (and every day).

Sunlight is a major source of Vitamin D, which plays an important role in both mental and physical health. Natural light exposure is associated with improved mood, better sleep, and reduced risk of major depressive disorder.

Dr. Andrew Huberman of the Huberman Lab podcast promotes the benefits of natural light and encourages his listeners to get more early morning sun exposure.

Morning is an ideal time to go for a short walk or have a cup of coffee on the porch. It may seem counterintuitive to get up early on your spa day, but watching the sunrise is a grounding, peaceful way to connect with the natural world.

Next up, choose a mindfulness practice.

Experiment With Mindfulness or Guided Meditation

Chronic stress takes a toll on physical and mental health, but mindfulness meditation practices have a positive effect on both physiological and psychological well-being.

As popular and mainstream as meditation has become, it can still be intimidating to get started.

Mindfulness can be as simple as sitting in silence or following the movement of your breathing. If stillness is a challenge, guided meditation is a supportive place to begin. Finding a teacher that resonates takes a little searching, but you’ll know pretty quickly when you hear the voice. Another option is to use a meditation script and record your own voice.

Where to find guided meditations:

  • Apps
  • YouTube
  • Local yoga studios
  • Books
  • Research effective meditation techniques

Other meditative options include journaling, drawing, coloring, or reading an inspiring book.

Build a collection of teachers, meditations, and practices you enjoy.

Take Care of Your Hands and Feet

As hard-working as they are routinely overlooked, your hands and feet are constantly at your service. They deserve some focused attention of their own, so the most traditional spa service on the list calls for their pampering.

Steps for a no-frills mani-pedi in your home spa:

  • Trim and shape your nails.
  • Soak your feet in Epsom salts.
  • Use a pumice stone to remove dry skin from the soles.
  • Exfoliate both hands and feet with a salt scrub.
  • Finish with moisturizer.

Customize your experience with essential oils and your favorite tunes. Try a relaxing lavender or energizing peppermint, and add music that matches the mood.

If you choose relaxation, the next step is a short slumber. If it's energizing you crave, you may want to skip the nap and jump to the plunge!

Settle In for an Afternoon Nap

Naps boost long-term memory and increase tolerance for frustration. They also feel good and give your body and mind a chance to recover from an active and demanding lifestyle.

Dr. Matthew Walker recommends keeping your nap under twenty minutes and early in the afternoon so that you don’t wake up groggy and disoriented or have difficulty falling asleep at night.

Don’t forget to set a timer so that you don’t accidentally sleep all afternoon.

Next up, energize!

Take the Plunge in an Ice Bath

Whether you’re in need of physical or mental rejuvenation, a quick dip in an Ice Barrel delivers a natural way to reset. If your workouts have been intense or you’ve just completed a big event, the cold plunge might be your favorite home spa day treat. It's fun, easy, and invigorating!

Cold therapy delivers key benefits, including decreased pain and inflammation and improved heart rate variability, mood, and brain function. It's a popular treatment for athletes at all skill levels, and scientific research continues to accumulate in support of its use.

The Ice Barrel is a powerful tool for developing well-being and resilience that can easily be combined with music, essential oils, and mindful breathing.

Practices for People Who Work Hard and Play Harder

When you emerge from the cold water, wrap yourself up in a big fluffy towel, and reflect on your day as you allow yourself to naturally warm up—or jump in a hot sauna for contrast therapy—recall any insights, and take note of what was beneficial and enjoyable. Beyond a special spa day at home, these five practices are building blocks for daily rituals.

These simple, accessible actions help you to filter the noise, recover faster, and feel better.

Add Ice Barrel and cold therapy to your spa day routine.

The Invitation to Adventure

Now it's
your turn

We are inviting you on an extraordinary adventure to explore the depths of your potential and experience the incredible results Ice Barrel will produce in your life. Not just for you, but for the ones you love most and the things you are most passionate about.

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