5 Reasons to Choose Ice Barrel Over a Stock Tank or Bathtub Ice Bath

5 Reasons to Choose Ice Barrel Over a Stock Tank or Bathtub Ice Bath

Cold water immersion therapy has seen an explosion in popularity in recent years, thanks in part to a wealth of research that has shown this age-old form of treatment to offer a whole host of benefits for both the body and the mind, and also thanks to just how easy cold therapy is to do.

The Benefits of Cold Therapy

Before getting into why the Ice Barrel is the number one way to practice cold therapy, take a look at some of the benefits.

  • Reduced inflammation
  • Improved metabolic function
  • Improved circulation
  • Increased energy
  • Boosted immune system
  • Better moods
  • Better sleep

If any of these benefits sound like things that may improve your quality of life, then cold therapy may be the solution for you. Ice Barrel provides a purpose-built solution to reap the most benefit from the practice.

5 Reasons Why Ice Barrel Provides the Best Solution to Enjoy Cold Therapy

While using a bathtub or stock tank for ice bath purposes might work, it can be somewhat limiting. To get the most out of your cold water immersion experience, take advantage of some of the unique benefits that cold therapy with the Ice Barrel can offer:

1. It's Simple, Fun, and Easy to Use

The Ice Barrel is compact and lightweight so you can easily add cold exposure to your daily routine. There is no setup; just fill with water, and ice, and get in! The Ice Barrel is attractive and comes in two colors, black and desert tan, to compliment your outdoor or indoor space.

2. Recovery and Reconnect

Today's busy lifestyle and modern conveniences mean that we're stressed out but rarely challenged in a primal way. Cold water immersion allows for a reconnection to nature and our own selves for recovery and improving health physically, mentally, and emotionally. Mental resiliency and empowerment are common things that cold water immersion practitioners report, and for good reason. It's not easy to purposely make yourself uncomfortable. The Ice Barrel is 42” high by 31” wide with a 25” opening, allowing for an upright sitting position for better focus and mindfulness. The greater depth that it provides makes submerging your entire body a lot easier, so you can maximize those cold therapy benefits with every soak.

3. It Stays Cold and Cleaner Longer

Once you’ve started to feel the mental, physical, and emotional benefits that ice baths have to offer, you’re more than likely going to want to start using them every day. The Ice Barrel has the advantage over stock tanks and bathtubs here as well since this is a purpose-built training device that fits into your home or apartment. The Ice Barrel requires about 80 gallons of water and with proper water maintenance techniques, you can extend the life of the water to several months before it needs to be drained and cleaned.

The Ice Barrel comes with a lid and a UV cover so you can maintain the icy water for multiple days in a row. The lid will also keep any unpleasant debris from finding its way into your ice bath, as well.

Stock tanks are difficult to cover and are not insulated so the water can get quite warm, whether you're using black plastic or galvanized metal stock tank. This makes retaining cold temperatures more difficult than the Ice Barrel, meaning more trips to the store for ice. And the water will likely need to be replaced more often.

And it's a similar issue with bathtubs. While an indoor bathtub may not warm up as quickly as a stock tank outside in the sun, you will likely need to drain it after each use because of others in your household. And leaving a bathtub full of water is less than ideal in most residential situations.

4. It’s Got Accessories

Because the Ice Barrel is designed specifically for ice baths, it has useful accessories for maximizing your ice bath enjoyment. For instance, using the matching step stool makes it easy to climb in and out of the ice bath, while having a high-quality thermometer ensures that you’re achieving the optimal temperature to support your physical goals. You can even add Epsom salt to alleviate muscle soreness and help you stay calm in the face of frigid temperatures.

5. It’s Easy to Drain and Maintain

After a refreshing cold water therapy session, the last thing you want to do is spend a ton of time cleaning out your stock tank or bathtub. With a few good practices like rinsing off sweat and lotions before plunging in as well as using our water stabilizer, the water in IceBarrel can be extended for several months. Using the specially designed Ice Barrel cold plunge maintenance kit, you can keep your ice bath clean and your water stabilized. Our easy drain system makes cleaning quick and easy in this made-in-the-USA cold water immersion training device. Cleaning is a breeze with a specialized cleanser made from sunflower and coconut oils and a durable brush.

Ready for the Ultimate Ice Bath?

If you’re ready to take the plunge and change your life with the power of cold water therapy, check out Ice Barrel today or contact us to learn more.

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