Blog - Ice Barrel

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Cold therapy
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Positioning in your Ice Barrel – Why Upright Beats Lounging

There are many ways to experience the benefits of cold water – from jumping into a frozen lake to high-end…

The Most Common Reasons Why People Avoid Ice Baths But Shouldn’t

Most Common Reasons People Avoid Ice Baths (And Why You Shouldn’t)

Cold therapy remains one of the most debated recovery techniques today, and that’s due to several myths surrounding the effects…

many ice cubes

Ice Packs Vs. Ice Baths: The Differences To Your Health And Recovery

Cold therapy, whether through full-body immersion with an ice bath or localized application with an ice pack, has proven to…

man in a bathtub

Ice Baths vs. Cold Showers: Why You Should Upgrade

There are many reasons why people swear by ice baths. Ice baths can be a beneficial addition to your journey…

Understanding the Fundamentals: Ice Bath Treatment for Pain and Inflammation

Understanding the Fundamentals: Ice Bath Treatment for Pain and Inflammation

Ice Barrel provides a great way to conduct safe and effective cold water therapy. If you’re wondering why you would…

Cryotherapy and Ice Baths: What’s the Difference?

Cryotherapy and Ice Baths What’s the Difference?

When it comes to cold therapy, the treatment involves using cold elements to help reduce pain and swelling caused by…

Back To Our Roots: The History of Ice Baths & Cold Water Bathing

Cold or hot; Which would you choose? And although the latter is usually the most common, it’s surprising to know…

The Benefits of a Cold Shower

The Benefits of a Cold Shower

Are you someone who enjoys a warm shower over an icy cold spray? It might be difficult to reconcile a…

5 Ways to Introduce Cold Therapy to Your Life

5 Ways to Introduce Cold Therapy to Your Life

Cold therapy offers a whole host of amazing benefits. But, figuring out how to properly practice cold therapy can feel…

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